Since the 0.2 version, you can quickly and easily install AGE in haxelib, just by using the ant task :
For now, you can run the following command to setup a new project :
This will generate a basic structure for your project, with the nmml file, and the MonoDevelop - FlashDevelop project files.
Here is the list of all arguments you can use :
- -help : the help screen
- -output : /your/project/directory (default: the current directory)
- -name : Your Project Name
- -main : MainProjectClass (default: Main)
- -size : WIDTH HEIGHT (default: 800x600)
- -fps : FPS (default: 30)
- -bgColor : COLOR (default: 0xCECECE, you can use both 0xFF0000 and #FF0000 syntax)
This tool has only been tested on Linux …