I’m prototyping a lot for the Pico-8 console with haxe (using the hxpico8 library), so in order to help my productivity, I’ve built some tools.
What for?
The first aim was to initialize a new project quickly so you don’t lose time and you can start coding right away.
Once the project is built, the tool will take care of the compilation/deployment. Because I’m using haxe, I can’t code directly into the pico8 console and test right away. So the tool will do it for you by:
- compiling your code
- backing up the pico8 file used by the console
- copying the code (the one generated by the hxpico8 lib) into your p8 file and keeping all graphics/sounds…
- copying the file to where the console can read it.
Once that’s done, you just have to reload your game in the Pico8 console, and test it.
For more information, please take a look at the github repository.